Quality Dry Cleaners in Olney & Rockville, MD

Sassy Cleaners Logo

What our customers say

Exterior view 2
Exterior view 3

Hours of Operation

Mon-Fri 7am-6pm
Sat 8am-6pm
Sun Closed
Date Holiday Status
1/1 New Year's Day CLOSED
5/28 Memorial Day CLOSED
7/4 Independence Day CLOSED
9/3 Labor Day CLOSED
11/22 Thanksgiving Day CLOSED
12/25 Christmas Day CLOSED

What We Provide

Dry Cleaning - Sassy Cleaners

Dry Cleaning

Laundry - Sassy Cleaners


Tailor and Alterations - Sassy Cleaners

Tailor & Alterations

Leather - Sassy Cleaners


Wedding Dress - Sassy Cleaners

Wedding Dress

Rug - Sassy Cleaners


Tablecloth - Sassy Cleaners


Comforter Drapes - Sassy Cleaners

Comforter Drapes

About Sassy Cleaners

Think environmental and health — we use professional wet cleaning and liquid carbon dioxide (CO2) cleaning. Professional wet cleaning is a safe, energy-efficient method of cleaning “Dry Clean Only” clothes that uses water (rather than chemicals) along with special soaps and conditioners.

Traditional dry cleaning involves a chemical solvent rather than water, allowing the process to clean delicate fabrics that cannot handle the agitation of a washing machine. Though referred to as “dry,” items are soaked in solvents such as tetrachloroethylene (commonly known as "perc"), trichloroethane, or petroleum spirits. We strive to use safer alternatives for your clothing and the environment.

Photo Gallery

Store view
Sewing area
Dryer area
Dry cleaning equipment
Laundry area
Ironing station
Counter area
Front exterior

Contact Us

Sassy Cleaners

4011 Norbeck Rd, Rockville, MD 20853

(301) 924-5503


Sassy Cleaners Facebook